Medically Reviewed By Dr. Kimberly Evans

Close Up of Buttocks in Jeans With One Finger In PocketHormones play a crucial role in day-to-day life. Your body produces different hormones that help regulate key functions, ranging from mood to sleep cycle to appetite. Your hormones impact your sexual desire, your metabolism, and even the energy you bring to each day.

Naturally, when hormones become unbalanced, the consequences can be significant. And hormone imbalance is incredibly common: Women experience hormone shifts due to menopause, pregnancy, and thyroid issues, while men typically start losing testosterone at a very young age.

With hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Evans and her team can help you rebalance your hormone levels, and enjoy fuller, more robust health and wellness. There can be a number of surprising results from hormone replacement therapy, including the potential for weight loss.

How Hormone Replacement Therapy Works

When you join us for hormone replacement therapy at Sugar Land Medical Spa in Houston, TX, the first step is always to get a good read on your current hormone levels. Some basic lab testing helps us determine your current hormone production and identify the types of hormone supplements you need.

We provide replacement hormones in a pellet form, which makes them easy for your body to absorb. And, each replacement hormone is made to be structurally similar to the ones your body produces; in other words, this is a natural health remedy that should not lead to complications or rejection by your body.

Hormone Replacement Therapy and Weight Loss

With that said, how can hormone replacement therapy help patients lose weight?

Hormone replacement can help stimulate the development of lean muscle mass. And with the addition of a healthy diet and regular exercise, this therapy can ultimately lead to noteworthy weight loss.

Additional Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

This is just one way in which hormone replacement therapy can help you look and feel your best. Additionally, hormone replacement therapy can help resolve the following concerns:

  • Extreme fatigue during the day
  • Difficulty falling to sleep or staying asleep
  • Lack of focus or clarity during the day
  • Mood problems, including anxiety, depression, and irritability
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Decreased sexual libido or stamina

If you are suffering from any of these problems, or simply want to ensure that your body has the hormone production needed for optimal health, we welcome you to join Dr. Evans for a hormone consultation.

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Houston, TX

Dr. Evans is one of the Houston area’s most experienced providers of hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. She has achieved Legacy status with BioTE® due to the large number of patients she has cared for through the years. Additionally, she boasts decades of experience providing for the gynecological, cosmetic, and sexual health needs of women throughout the area. Dr. Evans and her team at Sugar Land Medical Spa are known for their commitment to comprehensive, compassionate care.

Many common health maladies can be traced to hormone imbalance. If you are experiencing a deficit in energy, libido, or happiness, it may be worth joining Dr. Evans to chat about hormones.

We welcome you to contact us to schedule a hormone replacement therapy consultation at Sugar Land Medical Spa in Houston, TX.