Creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle reduces a variety of health issues.  Sugar Land Medical Spa wants to assist our patients with a program that not only targets physical triggers of increasing weight but also the psychological cues that cause weight gain.

We are introducing weight management programs that utilize a protein peptide known as Trizepatide and Levocarnitine.  This medication is NOT a stimulant, so there is no insomnia or jitters.

Benefits of Our Trizepatide Weightloss Program

The benefits of the Trizepatide/Levocarnitine are:

  • Physical appetite is strongly reduced
  • Makes you feel fuller longer
  • Keeps you in “fat-burning” mode
  • Targets fat cells, no loss of muscle mass or dehydration
  • Better resting sleep
  • Promotes increased energy levels
  • Assists insulin pathways and blood sugar levels
  • Reduces the production of plaque on blood vessels

On average patients lose up to 15% of their body weight (Patients experience a weight reduction ranging from 1 to 3 pounds throughout the week. Weight loss varies depending on weight of the patient.

What Is Trizepatide?

Trizepatide is an injectable medication that, when combined with a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity, assists with blood sugar control.  Trizepatide acts like a naturally occurring protein in the body known as a Glucagon-like peptide agonist (GLP-1). It differs from Semaglutide because it is also a Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypetide (GIP) receptor agonist. It encourages the production of insulin as well as increases insulin sensitivity.

What Is the GLP-1 protein?

(Glucagon-like peptide) GLP-1 assists in glucagon release (decreasing release of sugar into the bloodstream so you can burn more fat. This active ingredient reduces appetite, regains portion control with food, reduces cravings, and improves overall blood sugar levels in the body. GLP-1 greatly effects the regulation of blood sugar, it does this by stimulating glucose-dependent insulin secretion.  Insulin promotes sugar ingestion by the cells, and stores it as glycogen, promoting the storage of fat, and alerts the body to increase skeletal muscle.

Trizepatide is not a type of insulin, it does stimulate the pancreas to release insulin when there is a presence of sugar. It is not for use in patients with type 1 diabetes, due to lack of the pancreas to make insulin.

How Does Trizepatide Assist in Weight Loss?

Trizepatide assists in weight loss by slowing down how fast your stomach empties food, known as gastric emptying.  It also blocks a hormone that signals your liver to release sugar (glucagon).  This creates a decreased appetite and decreased portions.

What Is Levocarnitine?

Levocarnitine is a supplement that can aid in weight loss.  It helps move more fatty acids into the cells to be burned for energy. In other words, it allows the body turn fat into energy.  It is also important for heart and brain function.  It helps with muscle movement and other body processes.

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight on Trizepatide/Levocarnitine?

This program will create a dosing schedule to allow the body to fully accept the Trizepatide hormone.  On average, expect to lose 1-3 lbs per week; however, know that every patient is different.  The weight loss will depend on exercise and following a proper diet.  We have seen, in a 2-month time frame, patients have lost up to 25 pounds. Up to 4 months, patients continuing with the program have lost up to 45-50 pounds.

Are There Items to Avoid While Participating in the Trizepatide/ Levocarnitine Program?

Avoid alcohol, as it may affect blood sugar by dropping it too low. Medications taken orally may have to be modified, as Trizepatide slows down the emptying of you stomach (gastric emptying), this may affect the absorption rate of medication in your body.

What Are the Known Side Effects of Trizepatide/ Levocarnitine?

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach Pain
  • Constipation

The 3–4-month Trizepatide/ Levocarnitine Weight Loss Program Includes:

  • Monthly provider appointment per request for diet log review and discuss progress/ barriers
  • Weekly weigh ins, Trizepatide/ Levocarnitine injections and B12 injections to help with energy and increase metabolism

What Is Needed From You?

  • Dedicated mindset
  • Ability to exercise at least 20 minutes per day
  • Labs that will include:
    • CBC (complete blood count)
    • CMP (comprehensive metabolic panel)
    • Thyroid TSH (with reflex to T4 if abnormal)
    • Hemoglobin A1C
    • Lipids (cholesterol)

Our Trizepatide/ Levocarnitine is a compounded medication compounded specifically for our patients based on their lab profile. Our program is 3-4 months long and there are no food restrictions. However, we recommend a nutritionally balanced diet to promote a healthier lifestyle and higher energy levels. Exercise is key, because it will assist in weight loss and increase lean muscle tissue, which helps burn fat faster. The diet can be repeated for those who wish to lose more weight. We do recommend taking a month off between each session.

If you want to lose weight and revitalize your health, call (281) 277-7721 to start! We will discuss the right approach to help you lose stubborn fat and achieve weight loss goals!