If wrinkles, fine lines, and creases have become a prominent part of your complexion, BOTOX® injections can help. BOTOX Cosmetic works beneath the surface of your skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while stopping more from forming. 

With this FDA-approved treatment, Dr. Evans of Sugar Land Medical Spa in Houston can help you reduce moderate wrinkles in as little as two days!

What Areas Does BOTOX Treat?

Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead creasing occurs due to excessive movement of your forehead skin. BOTOX reduces forehead wrinkles by restricting this movement, leading to smoother skin.

Frown Lines

Also known as glabellar lines or “11’s”, frown lines are the vertical wrinkles that form between your eyebrows. BOTOX tightens your skin to reduce these lines.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are the fine lines around the outer corners of your eyes. When injected in this area, BOTOX can create a more youthful appearance by smoothing them out.

Under-Eye Lines

It is common to develop wrinkles beneath your eyes due to frequent facial expressions. BOTOX subdues your skin’s movement to resolve these fine lines.

Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are the creases that develop around your mouth. BOTOX injectables tighten and smooth the skin around your mouth to reduce marionette lines.

The Benefits

BOTOX is a popular cosmetic treatment because it offers a variety of anti-aging benefits for your skin. These benefits include the following and more:

  • Fewer fine lines around the eyes
  • Smoother skin on the forehead
  • Reduced wrinkles around the mouth
  • Tighter, firmer skin overall
  • Prevention of future wrinkles
  • More youthful-looking complexion

How BOTOX Cosmetic Works

BOTOX works through a process called neuromodulation to stop wrinkles at the source. Wrinkles and fine lines form due to multiple factors that accompany the aging process. The first is a natural decline in collagen and elastin, causing the skin to lose its elasticity.

At the same time, your skin changes due to years of continuous movement and facial expressions. When you combine reduced elasticity with excessive movement, wrinkles and creases begin to form.

BOTOX injections include a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin A, which interacts directly with the nerves and muscles in your face. The neuromodulator effects of botulinum toxin A reduce your facial movement. This reduction in movement helps firm and tighten the skin while preventing new wrinkles from forming.

What to Expect

During your BOTOX treatment at Sugar Land Medical Spa, you can relax while Dr. Evans administers your injections. You may feel a slight pinch when receiving each injection, but a topical anesthetic can minimize discomfort. The entire treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Most people start seeing their results about one to two days after their sessions, and these results will last several months, depending on your treatment areas. Dr. Evans will take special care and consideration to administer your BOTOX in a way that meets your cosmetic needs and provides the most natural results possible.

Recovery & Aftercare

One of the biggest benefits of BOTOX is that there is minimal downtime afterward, and you can resume your normal activities after your skincare session.

Sugar Land Medical Spa: Helping You Live Better, Sexier, and More Fulfilled

Sugar Land Medical Spa offers a wide variety of female wellness treatments, from gynecological exams to aesthetic procedures. These include facials, hormone replacement therapy, body contouring, and annual wellness exams. Dr. Evans is a board-certified OB/GYN who focuses on women’s unique needs in a comforting and supportive environment. Contact our Houston office at (281) 277-7721 to schedule a consultation today.